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Why we are the best
A large number of students have been successful and employed at their dream job through our quality test series. More than 5000 students were chosen our test series for SSC, Banking, Railways, State exams and other competitive exams across India.
Practice papers & taking online test series more and more is the key for any competitive test preparation. Accordingly, the Test Vidya customized your learning and give all the required materials for Banking, Railway, SSC, Teaching, UPSC, GATE, CAT, Engineering, Medical, State Exams and other competitive tests.
We are well known to offer the top tier technology-based learning materials for competitive tests to prep the new age of keen students. Test Vidya assist students to prepare for various competitive exams of central and state government.
Joining our online classes permit you to figure your preparation procedure and get a genuine preparation environment. These online test series are introduced by 10+ experienced tutors to mentor you the correct way and create abilities to coordinate the opposition at a similar pace. To place your progress in real life, various practice questions with top to bottom arrangements are planned here as per the exam pattern and latest syllabus.
The educational experts of Test Vidya provides free mock tests and test series which helps to be expert. For each online test, it is guaranteed that the most recent exam pattern is tracked with keeping up a similar difficulty level as of the actual test.
Experienced Mentors, Top Quality Questions, Bilingual: Hindi and English, Community for Learning, Live Tests for Real Exam Experience, Personalized & Detailed Analysis
<%-- Experienced Teachers:
Learn with the Best Faculty of India with an overall experience of over 100 years, having trained more than 1 lakh students.
Top Quality Questions:
All questions and answers, structured by top exam specialists, in light of actual exam level and latest patterns.
Personalized, detailed Analysis:
Know your strengths, weaknesses, and everything else that you have to know to improve your rank and score.
Live Tests for Real Exam Experience:
Get your All-India Rank and have the experience of a real test. Strengthen your time management and pressure handling skills.
Community for Learning:
Clear the entirety of your doubts and queries on our discussion platform. Straightforwardly interface with teachers, experts, and your friends.
Bilingual: Hindi and English:
We are available to provide you the updated test series in both Hindi and English. Language shouldn't be a boundary to your learning.--%>
Exciting Features
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Our Promise and Values creates the real environment of the exam and new way to learn and practice MCQ Test Series for various Competitive Exam (Banking, Railways, SSC, State Exams, GATE, CAT) and other MCQ based exams. Exams are categorized into prelims and mains exam according to exam pattern. provides 3 free online test series for Banking and other competitive exams (SSC, IBPS, Railways,GATE, SSC, Engineering). provides unique platform to meet the exact need of the student to qualify in the exam. Student take test on paper or other online test series which is totally different to the test window appear in exam hall. Hence student is not familiar with it. It takes time to adjust in different test window & We all know "TIME IS PRICELESS" in exam hall.
Our test series is accessible for 24*7 on mobile, laptop & desktops. Tests are with 100% syllabus covered. These test series are prepared by experts. Separate test series for prelims & mains exams with separate sectional timing on each section.
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I started solving one by one set with & evaluate marks of each set. Which helped me to analyse my performance every time.
So much time wasted in referral book earlier but after preparing through Test Vidya test series, I got complete environment in a single platform.
Test questions meets the level of competitive exam. It Made me familiar with questions which are asked in exam.